
1,248 reviews in the last 12 months5,567 total reviews  

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Top positive review

Dec 4, 2023
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The website is nice and ordering process is smooth. I selected to pick up the goods at the store at the checkout as I needed some instructions for the equipment. However, I waited almost half an hour for an assistent. Also, the queue in front of the cashier was very long, another 10 minutes. There were customers who simply left without buying anything as they did not want to wait so much. Hence, 4*.

Top negative review

Aug 3, 2023
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Zelo mi je bila všeč hitra odzivnost starejšega serviserja koles. Kapo dol, mojster na mestu, vse je uredil v max 10ih minutah. Možnost izboljšave pa predvsem vidim v menjavi mlajšega najstniškega serviserja, ki le "šminkira" in sedi za računalnikom in tarna nad vrsto koles...skratka toliko izgovorov zakaj on česa ne more, ko bi vsak "normalen" v tem času že popravil kolo. Res je šlo za minimalni poseg zavor in če ga še kdaj srečam, kar pobegnem in trgovine :) Brez zamere, samo resnično me je fant šokiral. Za naprej vam svetujem, da najprej dobro testirate serviserja, če je sposoben za delo....pa bo lažje nam strankam in verjamem, da tudi sodelavcem. Srečno z novo izbiro.
Our mission is to enable digital trust. Find out how reviews work at Trusted Shops.

Reviews for extremevital.com/sl

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Aug 6, 2023
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May 25, 2023
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