All profiles of the company Mayoral Moda Infantil S.A.U

6 online shops and companies


Mayoral Portugal

Mayoral Portugal
19,273 reviews
A Mayoral é líder no setor da moda infantil na península Ibérica e um dos principais grupos especializados na Europa. As suas coleções são criadas para crianças entre os 0 e 16 anos, e oferecem um look completo: vestuario, acessórios e calçado. A Mayoral consolidou-se também no mundo do recén nascido com uma gama que engloba desde as tendências mais doces até às mais atuais, mantendo a suavidade, comodidade e qualidade, que deve sempre acompanhar a moda bebé. Além disso, o êxito do calçado, que complementa a oferta motivou o desenvolvimento de uma coleção própria de calçado todas as estações. A Mayoral é um fornecedor de calçado infantil, que aposta na moda e na comodidade, criando propostas atrativas de sapatos, sandalias, sapatilhas, botas, etc. para as varias etapas da criança.

Mayoral United Kingdom

Mayoral United Kingdom
5,735 reviews
Mayoral is the leader of the children's fashion sector in the Iberian peninsula and one of the main specialized groups in Europe. Its collections are designed for children between 0 and 16 years old, offering a complete look with clothing, accessories and footwear. Likewise, Mayoral has secured a place in the newborn world with a range that incorporates the sweetest trends and those that reflect the most modern ones, maintaining the softness, comfort and quality that should always be present in fashion for babies. In addition, the success of the footwear, which was integrated in the collection as a complement, has motivated the development of our own collection of footwear each season. Mayoral is a supplier of children's footwear that bets on fashion and comfort, creating attractive design proposals for shoes, sandals, sneakers, boots, etc. and for each of the stages in a child’s life.

Mayoral Ireland

Mayoral Ireland
1,361 reviews
Mayoral is the leader of the children's fashion sector in the Iberian peninsula and one of the main specialized groups in Europe. Its collections are designed for children between 0 and 16 years old, offering a complete look with clothing, accessories and footwear. Likewise, Mayoral has secured a place in the newborn world with a range that incorporates the sweetest trends and those that reflect the most modern ones, maintaining the softness, comfort and quality that should always be present in fashion for babies. In addition, the success of the footwear, which was integrated in the collection as a complement, has motivated the development of our own collection of footwear each season. Mayoral is a supplier of children's footwear that bets on fashion and comfort, creating attractive design proposals for shoes, sandals, sneakers, boots, etc. and for each of the stages in a child’s life.

Mayoral Bulgaria

Mayoral Bulgaria
802 reviews
Mayoral е лидер в детския моден сектор на Иберийския полуостров и една от водещите специализирани групи в Европа. Нейните колекции са предназначени за деца на възраст от 0 до 16 години, предлагащи пълен пакет продукти: дрехи, аксесоари и обувки. По същия начин, Mayoral се е утвърдила в света на дрехите за новородени с гама, която варира от най-сладките тенденции до тези, които отразяват най-актуалното, поддържайки мекотата, комфорта и качеството, които винаги трябва да съпътстват модата за бебето.

Mayoral Ελλάδα

Mayoral Ελλάδα
4,927 reviews
Η Mayoral είναι η ηγετική μάρκα στη παιδική ένδυση στην Ιβηρική χερσόνησο και μια από τις πιο σημαντικές εταιρείες στη παιδική ένδυση στην Ευρώπη. Οι συλλογές της απευθύνονται σε παιδιά ηλικίας από 0 έως 16 ετών, προσφέροντάς τους ένα ολοκληρωμένο look: ενδύματα, αξεσουάρ και παπούτσια. Επίσης, η Mayoral έχει καθιερωθεί στον κόσμο του νεογέννητου με μία γκάμα, που περιλαμβάνει τάσεις πιο γλυκές αλλά και τάσεις που αντανακλούν πιο μοντέρνο στυλ, διατηρώντας την απαλότητα, την άνεση και την ποιότητα που πάντα συνοδεύει τη βρεφική μας μόδα. Η επιτυχία των παπουτσιών, ενσωματωμένα στη συλλογή ως αξεσουάρ, οδήγησε στην δημιουργία μιας αποκλειστικής συλλογής παπουτσιών. Η Mayoral είναι ένας προμηθευτής παιδικής υπόδησης, που δίνει εξέχουσα σημασία στη μόδα και στην άνεση, δημιουργώντας ελκυστικές προτάσεις σε παπούτσια, σανδάλια, αθλητικά και μπότες κ.τ.λ., για κάθε ηλικία.

Mayoral Romania

Mayoral Romania
1,691 reviews
Mayoral este lider in sectorul de moda pentru copii din Peninsula Iberica si unul dintre principalele grupuri specializate din Europa. Colectiile sunt concepute pentru copii intre 0 si 16 ani, oferind un look complet: articole de imbracaminte, accesorii si incaltaminte. De asemenea, Mayoral si-a consolidat pozitia de lider in lumea newborn cu o gama care cuprinde de la cele mai simpatice tendinte pana la cele care reflecta moda de actualitate, mentinand caracterul moale, confortul si calitatea, care ar trebui sa existe intotdeauna in moda pentru bebelusi. In plus, succesul incaltamintei a fost adaugat in colectie, drept accesoriu, a motivat dezvoltarea unei colectii proprii de incaltaminte in fiecare sezon. Mayoral este un furnizor de incaltaminte pentru copii, care pariaza pe moda si confort, astfel creand propuneri atractive pentru pantofi casual si sport, sandale, cizme, etc. pentru fiecare etapa a copilului.