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3,188 reviews in the last 12 months5,100 total reviews  

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Most relevant positive review

Oct 18, 2023
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Order came quicly, and we got the correct parts at a good price. However I am not satisfied with the shipment. I ordered delivery to our business, but it was handled as a private package with delivery outside of office hours. That was very anoying as the order then tok several extra days before arriving at a pick up place.

Most relevant negative review

Nov 7, 2023
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Ordered a thermostat for a combifridge by Ikea/whirlpool. The thermostat should fit according to the model and type number. When it arrived and I tried installing it, it didn't fit as it was physically completely different. As shown by the attached picture of the light bulb holder part of the package. The picture shows the old and the new part. I contacted customer service. The response time was extremely slow. It ended up in me not being able to return the product. I enquired about another product that would fit. Fix Parts gave me a link to a product. I communicated to them that the product picture was identical to the part I had received that did not fit. Customer service claimed the new part would fit. Thus I ordered the new part. When it arrived, it was in fact identical to the first one and thus did not fit. Customer service has so far not responded to my latest claim to have them refund my purchase and cover my return transport costs, it has been several days since my request. I would urge people to not use Fix Parts. If something goes wrong, they don't step up for the customer even when they are at clear fault.
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Apr 27, 2024
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For starters u shouldnt ask for a review before packard is delivered. I havent had a working dishwasher in 2 weeks and slightly tilted.
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May 10, 2024
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Leveringstid stemte ikke med det som var angitt. Stod 5 dager og ble levert etter 2+ mnd.
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May 13, 2024
God dag, jeg beklager å høre at du ikke mottok bestillingen din i tide. Jeg ser at det faktisk var en viss forsinkelse fordi produktet var utsolgt. Vi beklager så mye for det. Jeg ser at bestillingen din nå er levert. Hvis det fortsatt er noe galt, vennligst gi oss beskjed. Bram, FixPart kundeservice
May 17, 2024
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Fortere levering, dårlig service, nesten tatt to uker. Dårlig dårlig dårlig
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May 22, 2024
God dag, jeg beklager å høre at du ikke mottok bestillingen din i tide. Dessverre ble leveringen litt forsinket, noe vi beklager. Hvis det fortsatt er noe galt med produktet, vennligst gi oss beskjed. Bram, FixPart kundeservice
Apr 27, 2024
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Detsverre passet den ikke så den vil bli returnet
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May 4, 2024
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Feil produkt, i forhold til hva jeg bestilte.
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May 6, 2024
God dag, vi beklager å høre at du ikke mottok riktig produkt. Vi har kontaktet deg for å se hva vi kan gjøre for deg. Vi beklager uleiligheten. Bram, FixPart kundeservice
May 6, 2024
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I miss more update on the delivery
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May 17, 2024
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The product melted after one wash

The product nektes after one wash
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May 22, 2024
Good day, I am sorry to hear that the product is not in good condition. We have contacted you to see what we can do for you. Our apologies for the inconvenience. Bram, FixPart customer service
May 20, 2024
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I did not resive the part yet.
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May 22, 2024
Good day, I am sorry to hear that you did not receive your order on time. Unfortunately, the delivery was slightly delayed, for which we apologise. If there is still something wrong with the product, please let us know. Bram, FixPart customer service
May 21, 2024
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Ennå ikke mottatt varen.
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May 22, 2024
God dag, jeg beklager å høre at du ennå ikke har mottatt bestillingen din. Jeg ser at den fortsatt er på vei. Vi har sendt sporingen som gjør at du kan følge forsendelsen. Bram, FixPart kundeservice
Apr 27, 2024
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Part not as original
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May 24, 2024
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May 18, 2024
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May 17, 2024
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May 4, 2024
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May 3, 2024
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Apr 28, 2024
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Apr 27, 2024
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Apr 4, 2024
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Bad customer service

I bought a new led for my oven fan. Was very happy when the new product arrived and matched the old one exacly. After installation LED truned on fine, but after a few hours it did not work. I reinstalled it and it worked. Over the next few days i had the same issues where it stops working and has to be reisntalled. Eventually i reached out to their support sugesting i bought a defective product. The customer agent insists that i bought the wrong product, without providing propper documetation for it. I try to explain to them that this is the right one using the user manual as a source, as well as pictures of the old LED and the new LED for comparison to no avail. The evantualy give me the alternative of retruning it but put the cost of return package on me. This was a frustrating custumer service expirance. I dont belive i should pay the cost or retrun shipping when i did not get a working product.
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Apr 13, 2024
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Blei skuffet då jeg mottok pakken fra Dere. Jeg bestilte og betalte for ett helt skjærehode , jfr. bilde som fulgte med bestillingen, til min barbermaskin. Men det jeg fikk var tre kniver til skjærehodet. Så jeg mener at leveransen ikke svarte til det jeg bestllte og forventet. Med vennlig hilsen Leif E. Heggen
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Apr 25, 2024
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Kjøpte slange som nettsiden sa passet maskinen min. Det gjorde den ikke, viser seg at det er en feil med nettsiden som gjorde at den foreslo den slangen. Kundeservice ønsker ikke "refundere bestillingen i sin helhet", slik pass-garantien lover:
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Apr 26, 2024
God dag, jeg beklager å høre at du ikke er fornøyd. Hvis du ønsker å returnere et produkt og det ble bestilt feil, er returkostnadene på din bekostning. Vi refunderer imidlertid kostnadene for returforsendelsen. Hvis du fortsatt har spørsmål om dette, vennligst gi oss beskjed. Bram, FixPart kundeservice