Discover online shops in the category Gardening supplies

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Gardening supplies

Gardening supplies
486 reviews
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Agradi is one of the largest online animal- and outdoor stores in The Netherlands. A young, enthousiastic company that highly values service and quality. At Agradi you can buy animal and outdoor products in a modern way via the webshop. Clear, plain, easy and cheap; those are words to live by for Agradi. With over 700.000 customers and 100.000 products Agradi is there for everyone; from professional to amateur. Agradi also offers everything that riding schools, farms, zoos, fishers, horse owners and pet owners might need. Our customers have chosen Agradi to be the winner of the Thuiswinkel Awards XL in 2011, 2012 and 2015. Agradi is one of the largest webshops in The Netherlands.
80 reviews
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Marbo was founded over 40 years ago in Starachowice. We started with the production of simple equipment for home gyms, to constantly increase the range and quality of products together with the experience gained. Today we are the leading manufacturer of bodybuilding equipment in Poland, offering world-class equipment. We have built a brand and gained experience that obliges. Bodybuilding is our passion, and by combining it with modern machinery, we are able to provide the highest quality equipment, made with attention to detail, and above all with your comfort and safety in mind. The company is based in Starachowice in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. This is where the office, production and warehouse halls are located. It is a base from which all forms of online sales and contact with customers are controlled, from which shipments for individual customers and partner stores are carried out. On the company's map, all roads start from Starachowice.
241 reviews
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Garden furniture cover shop is a webshop of the company Raffles Furniture from the Netherlands. When it comes to outdoor furniture covers we are the largest, with over 800 different covers for different types of furniture, barbecues and other garden accessories.

Original Buddhas

Original Buddhas
95 reviews
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The spirit of a Buddha statue is exceptional and loved by many people around the world. It is our passion to bring original masterpieces of the past, from Asia to you. The largest collection original and antique Buddha statues in the world.
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Enhance your resting experience, discover our tailored solutions. We manufacture custom mattresses, foams, and toppers to provide you with maximum comfort. High-quality materials, attention to detail, and plenty of options.
104 reviews
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Discover also in this shop the best furniture offers of the best Italian brands.

VONROC Ireland

VONROC Ireland
264 reviews
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VONROC Power & Gardening tools VONROC is a young, fast-growing power tool company and already active in 16 countries across Europe. The head office is based in the Netherlands. Discover the ever-expanding assortment of VONROC high quality power & gardening tools, as well as home products. Created by an enthusiastic team with many years of experience in development and design. By delivering directly to you, the customer, VONROC can offer fair prices, without compromising on quality and service. VONROC. Build your future
96 reviews
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Mancini & Mancini SRL, is a Group specialized in wholesale and retail sales in the furniture accessories sector, with particular attention to interior and exterior design. Today Mancini & Mancini is able to offer a vast assortment of products: - Furnishing - Kitchen accessories - Bathroom accessories - Domestic appliances - Lighting - Mechanisms - Gardening - Doors - Fixtures - Handles - Locks - Tools
58 reviews
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The best growbox sets and items for growing plants in our Grow Shop! For some it is a passion and a way to spend their free time, for others it is an idea for a profitable business. Growing plants is becoming more and more popular, and our grow shop is the answer to all needs related to this activity. You are just one step away from starting a beautiful adventure that gives you incredible satisfaction. You will find all the products needed for plant breeding in one place, which will make it easier for you to start and develop further. To grow, the plant needs an appropriate place, such as grow boxes. Thanks to these tents, you have a chance to grow high-quality crops. An important element are articles for tents that will ensure an increase in crops or better flowering. To support plant growth, you should ensure adequate lighting. Not only grow boxes We have a wide range of light sources that are perfect for home plantations and will be appreciated by both advanced, large growers and beginners. Appropriate ventilation also plays an important role in supporting breeding, which is why we offer, among others: duct fans, circulation fans, as well as all cables and filters. When growing plants, every detail matters, so we also offer other necessary products, such as high-quality fertilizers from Hesi and other well-known producers, nutrients and flower pots. All this to ensure that your activities are satisfactory and effective.
59 reviews
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Discover on the ICO range of products for pools and spas. ICO monitors your pool water 24/7. It analyzes and anticipates water changes and sends you personalized recommendations on your mobile application: you get the right advice, with the right product at the right time. Your water always remains clear and healthy, of perfect quality. ICO benefits: Time saver : ICO offers simplest and most effective way to manage your water quality. Constantly measuring critical water parameters, ICO promotes healthier, cleaner water, to protect your equipment and provide best experience. Savings : Proposing personalized guidance for chemical dosing and best practices to save money, protect you and the environment. Control: Accessible from anywhere, anytime, ICO provides a convenient, easy way to keep an eye on your water quality at all times. Peace of mind: So that you spend more time enjoying your Pool and Spa ! ICO features : - Share : while you are away, shared your pool/spa with your family, your pool guy or guests/renters - Multipool: manage multiple pools or spas remotely - Water Index: a confidence index that allows you to check the quality of your water at a glance. ICO is a product of the Ondilo brand, distributed in more than 20 countries and available in 12 languages. - Exklusiva blomsterlökar och växter från Holland - Exklusiva blomsterlökar och växter från Holland
47 reviews
Trustmarknot certified är en nätbutik som specialiserar sig på att tillhandahålla högkvalitativa blomsterlökar till kunder över hela världen. Vi erbjuder ett brett utbud av lökar, inklusive tulpaner, påskliljor, krokus, hyacinter och många andra, som alla kommer från välrenommerade holländska odlare. Våra lökar är noggrant utvalda och skickas direkt till kunderna för att säkerställa att de kommer fram i utmärkt skick. Förutom vårt breda urval av lökar ger Dutch-Bulbs.Com också kunderna expertråd om hur de ska ta hand om sina lökar för att se till att de trivs och ger vackra blommor. Vi har ett team av kunnig personal som alltid är tillgängliga för att svara på alla frågor som kunderna kan ha om att plantera, odla och ta hand om sina lökar. har en användarvänlig webbplats som gör det enkelt för kunderna att bläddra och köpa sina lökar. Vi erbjuder snabb och pålitlig leverans och våra priser är konkurrenskraftiga, vilket gör oss till ett populärt val för både amatör- och professionella trädgårdsmästare. På det hela taget är ett utmärkt val för alla som vill lägga till lite färg och skönhet i sin trädgård med högkvalitativa blomsterlökar. Translated with (free version) - Eksklusive Blomsterløg og Planter fra Holland - Eksklusive Blomsterløg og Planter fra Holland
47 reviews
Trustmarknot certified er en online butik, der har specialiseret sig i at levere blomsterløg af høj kvalitet til kunder over hele verden. Vi tilbyder et bredt udvalg af blomsterløg, herunder tulipaner, påskeliljer, krokus, hyacinter og mange andre, som alle kommer fra velrenommerede hollandske producenter. Vores løg er nøje udvalgt og sendes direkte til kunderne for at sikre, at de ankommer i fremragende stand. Ud over vores brede udvalg af løg giver Dutch-Bulbs.Com også kunderne ekspertrådgivning om, hvordan de skal passe deres løg for at sikre, at de trives og giver smukke blomstringer. Vi har et team af kyndige medarbejdere, som altid er til rådighed for at besvare alle spørgsmål, som kunderne måtte have om plantning, dyrkning og pleje af deres løg. har et brugervenligt websted, der gør det nemt for kunderne at gennemse og købe deres løg. Vi tilbyder hurtig og pålidelig forsendelse, og vores priser er konkurrencedygtige, hvilket gør os til et populært valg for både amatører og professionelle gartnere. Alt i alt er et godt valg for alle, der ønsker at tilføje lidt farve og skønhed til deres have med blomsterløg af høj kvalitet. Translated with (free version)
327 reviews
Flowers love u, we enjoy life: that's what Fluwel stands for. An international company with a love for beautiful, high quality flower bulbs. At Fluwel we combine knowledge with experience, improve tulips and daffodils, collect exceptional flower bulbs and carry out our own quality checks. That's what we call "Fluwel Quality". Fluwel – your professional partner for flower bulbs!
653 reviews
The holiday saver Water is life - and the most important food for humans and animals. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), around 80 % of all travel illnesses such as nausea and diarrhoea are due to contaminated drinking water, and bacterial infections and fever are due to poor hygiene. Our products M.M.S. CLASSIC and CDSplus are based on chlorine dioxide, the strongest virus and bacteria killer known to mankind. They offer you and your family safe protection against bacteria, viruses, fungi, spores, algae, mites, parasites, biofilms and other disease-causing germs such as the dangerous legionella. Our products have a shelf life of years (crisis prevention). When needed, you always generate a fresh and standardised chlorine dioxide concentration. Our new MMS Water Filter is a top drinking water filter for the kitchen at a surprisingly low price.
295 reviews
Are you a fan of real quality products? We test all our products ourselves and have selected the sharpest knives or the strongest torch for you. On you will find superior quality kitchen knives, torches, pocket knives, binoculars at the best possible price. Cooking and outdoor enthusiasts have come to the right place here.
278 reviews
Are you a fan of real quality products? We test all our products ourselves and have selected the sharpest knives or the strongest torch for you. On you will find superior quality kitchen knives, torches, pocket knives, binoculars at the best possible price. Cooking and outdoor enthusiasts have come to the right place here.
532 reviews
Macovex é uma empresa orgulhosamente portuguesa, com 40 anos de experiência, que comercializa inúmeras soluções de materiais de construção para casas de banho, cozinhas e outros espaços. Encontre mosaicos e azulejos para o seu espaço. Acompanhe com móveis de casa de banho com espelho, torneiras e chuveiros que dão à sua casa de banho um toque de bom gosto. Para a hora do banho, delicie-se com as soluções de cabines de duche, bases de duche, banheiras e jacuzzi. Como complemento, aproveite diversos artigos de decoração, bricolage e jardim a bons preços.
12 reviews
O aforrador de férias A água é vida - e o alimento mais importante para os seres humanos e animais. Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), cerca de 80% de todas as doenças de viagem, como náuseas e diarreias, são devidas à água potável contaminada, e as infecções bacterianas e a febre são devidas à falta de higiene. Os nossos produtos M.M.S. CLASSIC e CDSplus são baseados em dióxido de cloro, o vírus mais forte e assassino de bactérias conhecido pela humanidade. Oferecem-lhe e à sua família uma protecção segura contra bactérias, vírus, fungos, esporos, algas, ácaros, parasitas, biofilmes e outros germes causadores de doenças, tais como a perigosa legionela. Os nossos produtos têm um prazo de validade de anos (prevenção de crises). Quando necessário, gera-se sempre uma concentração fresca e normalizada de dióxido de cloro. O nosso novo filtro de água MMS é um filtro de água potável de topo para a cozinha a um preço surpreendentemente baixo.
57 reviews
Are you a fan of real quality products? We test all our products ourselves and have selected the sharpest knives or the strongest torch for you. On you will find superior quality kitchen knives, torches, pocket knives, binoculars at the best possible price. Cooking and outdoor enthusiasts have come to the right place here.

Aurymat - Bricolage e Construção, lda

Aurymat - Bricolage e Construção, lda
145 reviews
Na nossa loja temos disponível milhares de produtos de qualidade ao melhor preço para os diferentes sectores da construção e bricolage. Temos também uma equipa profissional com muitos anos de experiência no sector para o ajudar a escolher os produtos certos para os trabalhos pretendidos.